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Hindi - Muhavare in Hindi MCQ | मुहावरे Hindi Idioms (|Longer Version) | Class 10

Muhavare in Hindi MCQ | मुहावरे Hindi Idioms (|Longer Version)


Muhavare with English meaning (Use 1.5x speed for revision)

(USE this version. We have also corrected some typo-errors in this one).


1. Since the literal meaning of Idioms are different from the real meaning, the only way to learn it is to familiarize it by listening to it as often as possible.

2. Due to the above you will need to listen to this MCQ at least 10 times to learn it thoroughly.

3. You can listen to it while you are doing other things like eating, playing, before going to school or after coming from school or even while going to sleep. This will help you to maximize your time.

4. Once you can answer before the question is complete, then you know you have learnt it well.

Q 1 - पढ़ाई में मेहनत कर मैं ............ हो सकता हूँ।

1. अंधों में काना राजा

2. एक पंथ दो काज

3. अपना हाथ जगन्नाथ

4. पैरों पर खड़ा होना

Answer: 4. पैरों पर खड़ा होना | (Start earning an income- become self reliant).

Q 2 - ‘विपत्ति में उसकी अक्ल ............ ।

1. खो जाना

2. ठनक जाना

3. चकरा जाना

4. आग बबूला हो जाना

Answer: चकरा जाना (mind becomes dizzy during calamity. विपत्ति means calamity).

Q 3 - सच्चे शूरवीर देश की रक्षा में प्राणों की ............ । हैं

1. बाजी लगा देते हैं।

2. जान लगा देते हैं।

3. ताकत लगा देते हैं।

4. आहुति लगा देते हैं।

Answer: बाजी लगा देते हैं।

(Risk ones life. बाजी=Risk and बाजीगर = Risktaker).

Q 4 - गरीब माँ-बाप अपना ............ कर बच्चों को पढ़ाते हैं और वह चिंता नहीं करते|

1. गला काट।

2. पेट काट।

3. खून बहा।

4. मन लगा।

Answer: 2. पेट काटकर। (Empty stomach).

Q 5 - विद्वान और वीर होकर भी रावण की ............ पड़ गया था कि उसने माता सीता का अपहरण किया |

1. अंधों में काना राजा

2. एक पंथ दो काज

3. अक्ल पर पत्थर

4. पैरों पर खड़ा होना

Answer: 3. अक्ल पर पत्थर (did a rock crush his brain?).


Please find below our Index of all Lessons for CLASS 10 for Hindi, Social & Science (more subjects & lessons coming soon):

********HINDI LESSONS: ********

Find Parvat Pradesh Mein Pavas – Summary in Hindi - here

Find Parvat Pradesh Mein Pavas – Summary in English - here

Find Parvat Pradesh Mein Pavas – Summary in English & Hindi - here

Find Parvat Pradesh Mein Pavas – Q&A - here

Find Pathjhad Mein - Ginni Ka Sona Q&A – here

Find Pathjad Me Tuti Pattiyan - Zen Ki Den Q&A – here

Find Pathjad Me Tuti Pattiyan - Ginni Ka Sona & Zen Ki Den Summary – here

Ab Kahan Dusere Ke Dukh Se – Summary – Here

Ab Kahan Dusere Ke Dukh Se – Q&A – Part 1 Of 2 – Here

Ab Kahan Dusere Ke Dukh Se – Q&A – Part 2 Of 2 - Here

Find Sapno Ke Se Din – Summary – Here

Sapno Ke Se Din – MCQ - Here

Find Sapno Ke Se Din – Q&A - Here

Find Tatara Vamiro Story – Summary - Here

Find Tatara Vamiro Story – Q&A - Here

Find - Bihari Ke Dohe – Summary - Here

Find - Bihari Ke Dohe – Q&A - Here

Find – Diary Ka Ek Panna – Summary – Here

Find – Diary Ka Ek Panna – Q&A - Here

Find – Harihar Kaka – Summary – Here

Find – Harihar Kaka – Q&A- Here

Find – Kabir Ki Saakhi – MCQ – Here

Find – Kabir Ki Saakhi – Q&A - Here


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Find - Some Important Ores of Metals (Longer Version) - Here


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