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Hindi - Meri Shikar Yatra | Bachendri Pal | Summary in English | Class 9

Meri Shikar Yatra | Bachendri Pal | Summary in English


• Colonel Darshan Kumar Khullar, Leader

• Lieutenant Colonel Prem Chand, Deputy Leader

• Dr Meena Agrawal was non-climbing base camp manager.

• Bachendri Pal

• Ang Dorjee Sherpa

• Sonam Palzor,

• Lopsang Jangbu Sherpa

• Dorjee Lhatoo Sherpa

• Chandra and

• KI

• Jai

• Magan Bissa

Everest ’84’ was India’s first mixed-team expedition with 11 men and 6 women to the Mount Everest. The team left Delhi for Kathmandu by plane on 7 March 1984.

After a few days in Kathmandu they moved to to Namche Bazar Which is the most important township in Sherpa-land. Most of the Sherpas came from here and the neighbouring villages. It was at Namche Bazar that Bachendri Pal had her first view of Everest, Mount Everest is popularly called as Sagarmatha the mother of the seas by the Nepalese. This name appealed to Bachendri Pal.

The team used to climbed up and down the mountain for nearly a thousand metres daily. This was to toughen them up and to help the body acclimatize to the high altitude.

Gazing at Everest she could see an enormous snow-plume. A kind of banner which seemed to fly out of its summit. This was because of the wind blowing at 150 km. or more per hour near the peak and driving the powder snow off the mountain. The snow-plume could be around 10 km long. Anyone attempting the peak had to face these storms on the south-east ridge. particularly in bad weather. This was to haunt her yet she was strangely fascinated by Everest and drawn to its tough challenge.

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