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Hindi - Diye jal Uthe Summary in English| दिये जल उठे | Class 9

Diye Jal Uthe | दिये जल उठे


The Dandi-March (दांडी-कूच) was organized to protest against the British but it started early than planned because Sadar Vallabhai Patel got arrested. In connection with the preparation of the Dandi-March, Vallabhbhai Patel had reached Ras village (in Bor sad, Gujarat) on March 7, where Patel gave a brief speech on the request of the people,

in which he said, “Brothers and sisters, are you ready for Satyagraha?” As soon as Patel said this he was arrested. This arrest was made on the orders of the local collector Shilidi, because Patel had made Shi lidi to flee from the previous agitation in Ahmeda bad. When Patel was brought to the court of Bor sad, Patel confessed his crime in front of the judge & he was given a fine of rupees 500 and 3 months in jail.


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