Consumer Rights MCQ Class 10 Economics
Class 10 – Social – Economics - Consumer Rights
Consumer Rights MCQ Class 10 Economics
1. Under which one of the following consumer rights can a person approach the consumer court?
a) Right to choose
b) Right to represent
c) Right to seek redressal
d) Right to be informed.
Answer: Right to seek redressal.
2. Which right of consumer is violated if the consumers are not allowed to get their claims settled against manufacturer in case they are cheated or exploited?
a) Right to be heard
b) Right to seek redressal
c) Right to be informed
d) All of these.
Answer: Right to seek redressal.
3. Which one of the following is observed as 'National Consumers Day' in India? (a) 24th September (b) 25th September (c) 25th December (d) 24th December.
Answer: 24th December.
4. The consumer protection act (COPRA) was enacted in the year
a) 1986
b) 1995
c) 1983
d) 1985.
Answer: 1986.
5. Mixing of substituting undesirable material in food is called:
a) Hoarding,
b) Adulteration
c) Black marketing
d) Arbitration.
Answer: Adulteration.
Consumer Rights MCQ Class 10 Economics